What or who does God look like to you? In this piece authored by a classmate I came to count on for thought-provoking questions and wise answers, Tiffany Thorne, asks the reader to think about the image of God… who…
Persuading vs. Parenting your senior parent or grandparent…
This just in from the department of: OMG (or insert emojis: blue-faced screaming, hand smacking the head, eye rolling frustration, zipper lipped face… repeated for an entire line…) I called my 84-year-old father today. This was a longer than normal conversation, a…
Public Theology
(this essay was originally written for mywww.ctschicago.edu “Dangerous Religious Ideas” course based on author, activist, Rabbi and Professor www.rachelmikva.com book of the same name, which I highly recommend) Recently, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church blew up the internet….